We are pleased to announce that auditions for our 2023 Show ‘ Shrek the Musical’ will take place over the weekend of 9th to 11th September 2022 at Myrddin School, Carmarthen.
On Friday evening 9th September 2022, auditions will be for Years 12, 13 and ages 16 and over up to the age of 25.
On Sunday 11th September 2022, auditions will take place for Years 5 and 6 through to Years 10 and 11.
If call backs are required, these will probably take place later that week.
We will confirm actual timings closer to the date , but wanted to let everyone know as soon as possible so please spread the word!
We are also intending to do something a bit different this year before the auditions and are planning on running two workshops on Friday 5th and Saturday 27th August 2022. We have lots of fun activities arranged and everyone who attends will have the chance to learn new skills and find out a bit more about ‘Shrek the Musical’ before auditioning.
These workshops are free and will run between 10 am and 1pm in St Peters Civic Hall in Notts Square in Carmarthen.
In order that we can plan ahead, please can you let us know if you would like to attend by commenting on this post and including a contact number or privately message us with these details if you would prefer.